Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book an appointment? By calling 03 5721 2176 and speaking with our reception staff.
What do I do if I am unwell and want to see a doctor today? Call 03 5721 2176 and let our reception team know you are unwell; we have a doctor dedicated each day to seeing unwell patients.
How do I get a repeat script for a regular medication? Call our reception team to book an appropriate in person or telehealth appointment with your GP.
Do I have to wear a mask to visit the clinic? Yes, laws are still in place requiring you to wear masks to protect yourself and our vulnerable patients. If this is not possible due to medical reasons, we can still provide you with safe medical care, please let the reception team know so they can facilitate this prior to your appointment.
What is your payment policy? Our clinic is a private clinic, and our fees represent the costs of providing health care. We expect payment to be made on the day of service.
Can I see my preferred Doctor? Most times you will be able to find an appointment with your preferred GP. However, for urgent services or when your preferred GP is on leave you may need to see another GP.